Una diagnosi devastante
Dilan Patel, dopo i vari accertamenti medici, ha scoperto di avere il linfoma di Hodgkin, una forma rara di tumore del sangue che colpisce il sistema linfatico. Il ragazzo ha dichiarato: “Avevo una pelle incredibilmente pruriginosa, tanto che portavo sempre con me la crema idratante, convinto che fosse solo pelle secca. Ho notato anche dei noduli sul collo, ma pensavo fossero i muscoli che crescevano grazie a tutti i miei allenamenti in palestra”. (Continua a leggere dopo le foto)

“Guarda il video qui sotto”
@dnafitnessuk You won’t believe it… I was 25 years old, living my life like any other young adult – working hard, working out, hanging with friends, and trying to figure out my future. Life felt normal. I had no reason to think anything was wrong. But then something strange started happening. I’d wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. I mean SOAKED. My clothes, my bed – everything would be wet. It happened 2-3 times every single night. At first, I just thought, ‘Maybe I’m getting too hot under the covers?’ So I brushed it off. Weeks turned into months, and the night sweats didn’t stop. Looking back now, there were other signs, too. I was exhausted all the time, but I just thought it was because I was working long hours. My skin was unbelievably itchy – so much so that I carried lotion around with me everywhere, convinced it was just dry skin. I even noticed lumps on my neck, but I thought they were my muscles growing from all my workouts at the gym. Everything had an explanation – or so I thought. But eventually, I started feeling worse so I went to the doctor. Nothing could’ve prepared me for what they told me. At just 25 years old, I was diagnosed with Stage 4B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Five tumours. It had even spread to my lung. I couldn’t believe it. I’d spent so long brushing off my symptoms, convincing myself they weren’t a big deal. But my body had been screaming at me for almost 2 years. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this experience, it’s to pay attention to your body. Those little signs and symptoms? They’re there for a reason. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
♬ som original – LK Nostalgia
Patel si è sottoposto poi ad altri controlli medici che hanno rivelato la presenza di altri cinque tumori, uno dei quali si trovava al polmone. La malattia era arrivata al quarto stadio 4. Nonostante la sua aggressività, il linfoma di Hodgkin è una delle forme di tumore più curabili, soprattutto se trattato con chemioterapia e radioterapia.